Monday, January 24, 2011

pyramidal lubricant

rub rabbit rub


pyewk serp

did i eat

to those who would
feed on me
I ask only
that you feast on
living flesh
there is no taste
among the dead and
there before a moonless night
I close my eyes
and walk
burning my
hut to the ground
where is reflection?
where are the ripples that
become children
on a moonless

did i fruit

goofin at the cosmic table
the magi carving up cosmic fruit
boundless cosmic fruit
no beginning
no end fruit
dewy tao fruit
under the bodhi tree fruit
take it into thee
let serpents bury sweet cool noses
into your robes
into parade rattle fruit
into bones a long way from home
into all that jazz fruit
let gentle words rot
and give you such fruit
you'll never go hungry
while you're horny
while the pelvis opens up
like a bowl for alms
open the door
lie on the floor
and remain calm
time and space
are just fruit
all that
that energy bloss-
cosmic fruit